Project Parameters and Preparatory Program

What is the paradise project?
The paradise project is a phenomenological investigation into the regeneration of the Paradise Garden via the Logos.

What is phenomeology?
An ancient Greek philosophy, it resurfaced when the abandonment of what its proponents call "the things themselves" led to existentially untenable ideologies which in their turn led to world wars and a crisis of psychological wellbeing, as well as housing, hunger and a climate crisis. See for example, Stein, Being and Empathy.

What is the preparatory program?
Much as a "prep school" prepares you for earthly projects, without perhaps laying enough emphasis on the teachings of phenomenology, paradise prep prepares you to investigate the Kingdom of heaven, which is "among us" but we have to build back better. How long does the program take to complete?
Hewing close to the tradition established by the Logos, there is a three year mandatory apprenticeship program. (Gesu' non sbaglia.)

What is the introduction to the preparatory program?
The principal program is preceded by the Skandalone Skole, a three to four week introduction.

How does one sign up for the introductory classes?
someone is generally admitted by eavesdropping on the website and being caught by the friends of Jesus...say, Gandalf,
or any similar angel, upon which evidence of curiosity about paradise, Gandalf will load the participant with provisions for the journey so Frodo doesnt have to do all the work.

Are there exceptions to the three year preparatory requirement?
Exceptions: Stracci (see La Ricotta) or candidate has been educated by the equivalent of Gamaliel, and then is struck by lightning, falls off a horse and goes blind. (see the notes for St Paul by Pa'.)

Why is this rule necessary,
while no one likes rules, this regola is necessary to protect the project. Sorry. We assume that eavesdroppers are able to choose for themselves from age 14 when supposedly you are eligible for the Spirit. Hence, go directly to the Faerie class. Do not pass the bank. Do not collect two billions of dollars.