December unusual American Moment, so let's recap.
If you wish for a flier, we will be producing some at some point but for the Christmas break, please feel free to print your own flier with a Van Gogh painting or a LAVA FOUNTAIN A LA DILEXIT NOS on the cover and then, Faerie, Fenomena, Fauna, a simple four page flier printable on a single sheet of paper.
This is the In the beginning the earth was a formless mass and the Spirit of God was moving over the waters.
And God said "Let there be light."
And there was a Valanga di Vita..a Landslide of Life pouring forth from the heart of God.
In the beginning was the Logos, and the Logos was with Elohim (various Ls) and the Logos was Elohim.
This webpage was created by university students in honor of Pier Giorgio Frassati, learn more here
The main domain of this company's website is which as of December 10th is redirecting to a page with the Divine Mercy image. which is how God Broke the binary and the lava of the spirit flowed out upon us all
You can also reference the main website here:original page
Musica universalis articles are all over scholarly journals lately so that's interesting.